
02. 06. 2023

dvorana Katedrala

Testament + Voivod I SOLD OUT


Petek. Začetek junija. Thrash metal legende. Vse to se bo uresničilo v petek, 2. 6. 2023, v Kinu Šiška, kjer bodo oder velike dvorane zatresle thrash metal legende.

Friday night thrash 

Glavno vlogo v ”Thrashiški” bodo 2. 6. imeli bay area titani Testament, ki so s povratniškim bobnarjem, Daveom Lombardom (Misfits, Dead Cross, ex-Slayer, ex-Grip Inc. …) še močnejši kot prej. Avtorji kultnih thrash komadov, s katerimi so tresli najprej lokalne klube v San Franciscu, ZDA, od koder prihajajo, in s katerimi so osvojili svet v prihajajočih letih in desetletjih, bodo pokazali, kako se zadevi streže. Pričakujte vrhunsko domače branje thrash metal scene!

Na začetku so bili thrash, a z leti so presegli meje žanra in postalo ključno ime progresivnega, ekstremnejšega metala. Govorimo seveda o enih in edinih kanadskih Voivod, ki svetu z vsako plato pokažejo, kako je moč igrati metal, ki ne pozna meja.

Navdušenje, ki ga vzbuja napoved tega koncerta, ni mogoče ubesediti zgolj s temi nekaj vrsticami, zato vam polagamo na (metal) srce, da si vzamete čas in se v petek, 2. 6. 2023 ustavite na thrash večeru v Kinu Šiška v Ljubljani!


Hello everyone!

We understand that the current situation is far from ideal with Exodus canceling the tour and Alex also attending family matters. But we as promoters and fans of the bands, we understand that family comes first. Testament and Voivod are still going to play, refunds are not an option, as this would most likely trigger more problems for the tour – worst case scenario canceling it. This worst case scenario would really hurt both bands involved.

Alex will be replaced by Phil Demmel (Vio-Lence, Machine Head). We tried to put also Vio-Lence as Exodus replacement, but unfortunately it can’t be done on a such short notice. So both bands agreed to play their full sets Testament 90min and Voivod doubling their set to 60min.

The time frame will look like this, unless we find last minute any other addition:

19:00 doors
20:00 VOIVOD

Since the show is sold out, we are receiving many messages regarding the tickets – buying them or wanting a refund. We suggest you do it old school and try to exchange tickets with the other fans wanting to go to the show… you can use the comment section here of course.

Thank you for your understanding. It’s gonna be a great show nevertheless!

Vstopnice že v prodaji preko On-Parole in Mojekarte sistemov – SOLD OUT!

Organizacija: KUD Veseli dihurčki 

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