02. 12. 2013

Gathered – The Secret Side of Things We Share

Documentary online project (by Anja Medved and Patricija Maličev) Protagonists: Benedetto De Martino, Jan Fabre, Margherita Hack, Alojz Ihan, Jure Mikuž, Marko Peljhan, Marko Pogačnik, Renata Salecl, Dušan Šarotar, TzvetanTodorov, Ulay Written by: Patricija Maličev and Anja Medved Directed by: Anja Medved Cinematography: Ferruccio Goia and Jan Mozetič Edited by: Anja Medved and Ferruccio Goia

Documentary online project (by Anja Medved and Patricija Maličev)


Benedetto De Martino, Jan Fabre, Margherita Hack, Alojz Ihan, Jure Mikuž, Marko Peljhan, Marko Pogačnik, Renata Salecl, Dušan Šarotar, TzvetanTodorov, Ulay

Written by: Patricija Maličev and Anja Medved
Directed by: Anja Medved
Cinematography: Ferruccio Goia and Jan Mozetič
Edited by: Anja Medved and Ferruccio Goia
Colour correction and video elaboration: Ferruccio Goia
Audio elaboration: Rosario Guerrini
Music: Bostjan Bastyan Zobec, Zlatko Kaučič
Translations: Marko Gus, Patricija Maličev, Peter Szabo
Production Assistant: Martina Humar
Producers: Aleš Doktorič, Nadja Velušček, Anja Medved
Co-production: Zavod Kinoatelje, Zavod Kinokašča (Nova Gorica, Slovenia)
Production: Kinoatelje (Gorizia, Italy)
Gorizia/ Nova Gorica 2013

Running Time: 65 minutes
Screening format: video HD
Languages: Slovenian, Italian, English
Translations: Slovenian, Italian, English

Recording technique: colour
Image Format: HD
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Frame rate: 25 fps
Sound: digital


Mankind has always striven to free themselves from nature. The history of philosophy is a story of reflections on this tragic effort. Approaching new technological limits, we have found ourselves in new contradictions. Humans have never before been so distant from nature, yet nature has never been a greater threat for humans as a species. It seems the survival of our civilisation is now about intimate choices of its individual members. We have mostly been left to our own devices in this global chaos. The idea for a project was thus born that would feature one-on-one conversations on difficulties of the mankind. The purpose has not been to alleviate anybody’s feeling of solitariness, rather to contribute to the awareness that we are a community of loners. Some exceptional artists, scientists and philosophers were invited, people who can open up their thoughts like only good friends can; no preaching or flattering, just awakening the thoughts lurking in each one us.


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