
15. 08. 2019 - 21. 08. 2019

Katedrala Hall

Maayan Danoch: IN-LIGHT

dance residence

During the residency in Kino Siska, the choreographer, Maayan Danoch will develop the work In-Light, an interactive installation, using light as a main component. Light is a fundament condition for seeing. However, it is not only responsible for making something visible but for forming how it appears to the beholder.

Together with the artists Miha Horvat, Ivan Mijacevic and Anja Bornsek, she will explore and compose interactions between light, body, space and movement that appear differently from different standpoints. In the installation, viewers will enter the space into designated locations.They are invited to follow a pre-set route throughout the space andchange locations. With every shift, they gain a new field of vision, another relationship to the space and others in it. Being and moving in the space, the viewers are integrated into the work; they become part of its spatial and movement composition, at once witnessing and facilitating it.

In-Light engages viewers in a practice of shifting perspectives and invites them to experience transformationof an event, not necessarily because it changesbut because they change their relation to it.Consequently, In-Lightdelays the immediacy of judgment, of taking a stand or falling into conclusion. It confronts us with the limitations of our perspective and invites us to reflect on how perception is constructed.   

Organization: Kino Šiška.

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