Visual Arts

28. 05. 2024

DobraVaga Gallery

The eighth anniversary of the DobraVaga Gallery

Discussion with the artists about the exhibition theme: Boredom – Exploring the Everyday, Discovering the Ordinary


The eighth anniversary of the DobraVaga Gallery will be commemorated with a group exhibition titled Boredom – Exploring the Everyday, Discovering the Ordinary.

Under this title, we will reflect on boredom as a state of discomfort, dissatisfaction, loneliness due to the lack of suitable work, and at the same time as a feeling that gives us the opportunity to try new things that we often neglect due to the fast pace of everyday life. The exhibition will show the differing views of the artists on the chosen theme, both visually and conceptually.

The featured works of art respond to the theme by answering the question about the meaning of boredom, what it represents, how it unites and separates, how it offers variations of what is ordinary for us in connection with everyday life.

Join us for a discussion about the exhibition theme with the artists!

Artists: Eva Anzeljc, Žan Gašperič, Lucija Klauž, Petra Korent, Lana Požlep, Robi in Alen Predanič, Valentin Radulović, Katarina Snoj, Tim Topić

Curatorial team: Urška Kleindienst, Ema Kobal, Špela Pečjak

Organisation: DobraVaga / Kino Šiška

Free admission.

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