
17. 03. / Mon / 18:00

Komuna Hall

ZVO.ČI.TI Akuzmonij Di-Fuzija


Walk-up 10 €

two day ticket 15 €

discounted 8 €

CONA and Kino Šiška invite you to the two-day event ZVO.ČI.TI Acousmonium Octa-Fusion, delivering an exceptional sound experience in an octophonic setting. Curators Brane Zorman and Patrick K.-H., together with invited sound artists, will present electroacoustic compositions in an acousmatic performance.

Daily schedule:

18:00–19:30 Acousmonium Listening Session / FREE ENTRY

20:00–22:00 Live Sound Events / TICKETS

Tuesday, 18 Mar, 2025, at 10:00 / FREE ENTRY
Roundtable: Surrounded by Sound – A Conversation with Artists and Researchers

The event will feature both premieres and archival works by artists: Boštjan Perovšek, Patrick K.-H., Enrique Mejia Mendoza, Tetiana Khoroshun, Karmen Ponikvar, Brane Zorman, and Mauricio Valdés San Emeterio.

Special guests include Volkmar Klien (Austria), who will present SADISS, an experimental sound system where mobile phones become part of the acoustic projection, and Alla Zagaikevych (Ukraine), a renowned composer and ethnomusicologist, who will showcase her works Song of Odysseus and MISTO.

As part of the program, a roundtable discussion, Surrounded by Sound (March 18 at 10:00), will bring together participating artists and researchers to discuss current challenges and innovations in spatial music and acousmatic art. Each day, the Acousmonium Listening Room (18:00 – 19:30) will offer a curated selection of key works from the contemporary and recent history of spatial sound.

For years, the ZVO.ČI.TI Acousmonium project has been fostering the production of new works for spatial sound and contributing to positioning Slovenia on the international map of acousmatic music.

Organization: CONA, Floating Sound Gallery (Vienna) and Kino Šiška.

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