
27. 09. / Fri / 20:00

Kino Šiška


concert and screening of garage documentary 100db

Presale 10 €

Walk-up 10 €

discounted 8 €

In two parts, hear a small story about a big band from a small town, whose 45-year career successfully bypassed all trends and overcame the tragic history of the country in which it was born in the year when Marshal Tito died.

We often hear today that times are punk again, but punk isn’t what it used to be. The most insidious part is that these sentiments often come from former punks themselves, who are trying to squeeze out a few more coins from their memories and package everything under the generally accepted banner of righting wrongs. The heroes and rebels may have tired, but not all of them. Have you heard of Indust-bag? No? It’s high time you get to know this pillar of the punk scene, which has been persisting here since 1980, through pictures, words, and live music.

While it’s easy to categorize Indust-bag within the punk rock genre, doing so would be an injustice. The group never traded in superficial emotions; instead, they faithfully followed an abstract narrative style, adapting genre elements from dark new wave and power pop to road trip blues. This independence made Indust-bag too unique to be easily accepted by the punk movement, leaving the band firmly in the realm of the underground. Despite this, they have persevered, releasing two cassettes, five CDs, and one vinyl collection—for themselves and for the dozen or so misfits who continue to discover within themselves the verses of passion and rebellion.

Recently, the story from the margins—from the garage—received a fitting documentary film. Firmly on the DIY frequency, Jaka Terpinc and Gregor Bauman (Porno Pasjon Präsentiert) teamed up with current and former members of the band to create a modest yet meaningful film about a big band from a small town. Despite its 45-year career, the band successfully avoided all trends and overcame the tragic history of the country where it was born in the year Marshal Tito died. The film, 100 dB, has been accepted into the competition programs of the Punkfilmfest Berlin and the Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož. It’s not an attempt to right wrongs but a tribute to the town of Metlika and the lost ideals of punk. Or, as Indust-bag say, “Come, we’ll sing, we’ll celebrate.”

Porno Pasjon Präsentiert

Porno Pasjon Präsentiert is the amateur project of two old companions, music journalist Gregor Bauman and screenwriter Jaka Terpinc, who dreamed of film stories for which there was no commercial interest, with neither having the will nor the patience to beg for public funds. During the 2021 curfew, they decided to gather some cheap second-hand video equipment and start filming with all their (non-)knowledge, and whatever happens, happens.

Organisation: Kino Šiška

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