Special Edition is a series of shorter movement and sound scenes, performed by Andreja Podrzavnik and her collaborators, artists and creators of the performing arts, who use different creative means, media, skills and knowledge in their work: dance, music and theatre.
Within the framework of the set choreographic configurations (duet, trio, quartet, quintet), the performers use instant composition with the principles and skills of open choreographic works and improvisation. With their heightened attention, responsiveness, tracking, manipulation, they continuously create structures of individual pieces, composed of movement and sound scenes, from which patterns emerge that are transformed into potential narratives. The first editions of the Special Edition Series were staged in the DUM project space on 25th of September and 4th of October 2020, and the third edition was staged in two parts on 22nd and 23rd of December 2020 at the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana.
Concept and conducting: Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik
Cast: Tomaž Grom, Milan Tomašik, Jerca Rožnik Novak, Eduardo Raon, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik
Production: Federacija
Co-production: Kino Šiška & DUM društvo umetnikov
Organisation: Kino Šiška and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia
Partner: SKICA