Ostalo 06. 11. 2018 Komuna Hall stripolis AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL COMICS AND MENTAL ILLNESS lecture In November, Stripolis will focus on autobiographical comics on the topic of mental illness. Unfortunately, this event is not in English. You can find more info on the Slovenian language version of our site. Organisation: Kino Šiška. All events - Ostalo FB event FB gallery we wouldn't miss this if we were you Intermedia 25. 02. / Tue / 15:00 Are You a Software Update? The opening conference of the programme Tactics&Practice #16 25. 02. / Tue / 21:00 EVA PAPAMARGARITI: A Whisper, a Murmur, a Roar exhibition Music 02. 03. / Sun / 18:00 BILL FRISELL TRIO feat. Thomas Morgan & Rudy Royston concert
Intermedia 25. 02. / Tue / 15:00 Are You a Software Update? The opening conference of the programme Tactics&Practice #16