
23. 09. 2017

Komuna Hall


The battle for the wounded usually means power play, a military battle, an ethical dilemma, a tactical problem, a cunning victory, intelligence over force, forceful crossing, historical tour de force, sacrifice, the reason for consolidation, a new milestone, the beginning of affirmation, suppression, denial, refusal, betrayal, erasure, an unknown. An event that divides time into a certain before and a certain after, and to this day even a certain beyond.

A Battle On the River Neretva in the performance of the same name by the collective Shadow Casters (Zagreb) is a chain of personal, social, political and cultural perspectives, conflicts, battles, dilemmas, quagmires, reproaches, retrospections, questions and problems, that refuses to be shaped into any kind of finished or final dimension; that wants to remain contradictions. Probably one of the best stage exhibitions on Yugoslav history, composed in the genre of cross-examination and confrontation in order to establish conditions for healing wounds. Since 2002, Shadow Casters have presented their unpredictable and uncompromising works to the Ljubljana audience on several occasions.


Koncept in režija/Concept and director: Boris Bakal 

Dramatičarka/Playwright: Anja Pletikosa 

Scenarist in soustvarjalec/Scriptwriter and co-author: Leo Vukelić 

Izvedba/Performers: Boris Bakal and Leo Vukelić 

Glasba in glasbena oprema/Music and soundtracks: Tomislav Babić 

Oblikovalec videa/Video designer: Vedran Senjanović 

Kostumografija/Costume designer: Ivana Bakal 

Produkcija/Production: Bacači sjenki

Koprodukcija/Coproduction: Kulturno informativni centar Zagreb


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