
29. 05. 2024

Komuna Hall

Anja Mejač & Luka Uršič


dance/music performance | pre-premiere

The performance is based on the couple’s intimate story; while assembling the wardrobe in the shared studio, Luka made random sounds while Anja practiced flamenco. Unwittingly, a connection happened, both through the construction of a sound composition and a common space. The wardrobe thus becomes their common space, it becomes the vessel of their relationship.

An interweaving of dance and music at the intersection of flamenco, dance improvisation, concretely created and electronically synthesized sound, with which choreographer Anja Mejač and musician Luka Uršič offer a voyeuristic view into the intangibility of a living relationship embedded in an abstract structure.

The communication is created by walking between the construction and deconstruction of the external – audible, visible, tactile – and withdrawing to listen to the internal, unmeasured. It is an open form of artwork, where the directions of the action and the stations of the movement-sound score are set, but the development of the material follows an improvised dialogue between the performers.

Nothing ever goes according to plan. At least not for us.

Tickets on sale online and at Eventim outlets.

Authors: Anja Mejač, Luka Uršič

Dance, choreography: Anja Mejač

Music, sound design: Luka Uršič KALU

Dramaturgy: Ana Pandur

Movement direction: Snježana Premuš

Space design: Anja Mejač, Luka Uršič

Costume design: Nina Čehovin

Video projection: Urša Čuk – rastrLAB

Lighting design: Igor Remeta

Technical manager: Matej Bobič

Sound engineer: Jure Vlahovič

Lighting and stage manager: Matevž Fitičar

Photo: Primož Korošec

Video: Črt Potočnik

Communication: Tea Pristolič

The project was financially supported by: City of Ljubljana, S-5 naložbe d.o.o., Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.

The project is also supported by: TAM-TAM and Parada plesa

Production: Skladišče 172

Co-production: Kino Šiška

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