Dance/Theater 08. 03. 2019 Komuna Hall IZZIVI NOMADIZMA IN USTVARJANJA posvet Kako ustvariti in povezati rezidence na področju sodobnega ples v JV Evropi? Unfortunately, this event is not in English. You can find more info on the Slovenian language version of our site. All events - Dance/Theater FB event FB gallery we wouldn't miss this if we were you Intermedia 25. 02. / Tue / 15:00 Are You a Software Update? The opening conference of the programme Tactics&Practice #16 25. 02. / Tue / 21:00 EVA PAPAMARGARITI: A Whisper, a Murmur, a Roar exhibition Music 02. 03. / Sun / 18:00 BILL FRISELL TRIO feat. Thomas Morgan & Rudy Royston concert
Intermedia 25. 02. / Tue / 15:00 Are You a Software Update? The opening conference of the programme Tactics&Practice #16