Chorégraphie, BABY! Episode 6 / HAIL MAMMARY is a new episode in the series Choreography, BABY!, which was created by Jana Jevtović and Célina Larrèrović in 2011. With this series they wished to confront the compulsion of philosophising in contemporary dance, the empty signifiers in choreographic knowledge, which adversely co-shape their work and consequentially their lives.
The artists have bitten into the new language developed by the central committee of the European choreographic party and through opiatic compositional expositions, antibiotic rhythms and vertiginous use of set, sound and gas elements exposed it to its own contradictions. One could say they are dealing with some sort of exorcism of the conceptual demon. In the new episode Chorégraphie, BABY! Episode 6 / HAIL MAMMARY the artists address the creative process with an extremely questionable equation between creating art and life. We can often hear artists say: »My performances are like my children.« »Is this true? Possibly. But then again maybe not.« During their one month residency in Ljubljana, at which they will be accompanied by their babies, the artists and young mothers will wonder what this could possibly mean. Are creating life and art comparable, what does it mean, from where does it emerge and is it an appropriate or inappropriate parallel, that is the question.
Koncept/Concept: Jana Jevtović, Célina Larrèrović
Izvajalci/With and by: Jana Jevtović, Iljas Jevtović Grabarac, Célina Larrèrović, Mahault Vernerey, in posebni gosti/and special guests
Oblikovanje svetlobe/Lighting Design: Zoran Grabarac
Produkcija/Production: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, Jana Jevtović, Célina Larrèrović
S podporo Mestne občine Ljubljana – Oddelka za kulturo, Javnega sklada za ljubiteljske kulturne dejavnosti republike Slovenije in projekta Ples nadaljevanja, ples posredovanja, ples sanjanja /Supported by: Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture, The Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia and the project DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON.
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