With the young artist series, Kiosk follows the diverse current art production of the young generation. Dragons in a Bathtub is a fairy-tale by the cult socially critical paper Tribuna. The illustrator Matija Medved has depicted the story in simply expressive red and blue coloured pencils, at times with precision, paying attention to urban and
With the young artist series, Kiosk follows the diverse current art production of the young generation. Dragons in a Bathtub is a fairy-tale by the cult socially critical paper Tribuna. The illustrator Matija Medved has depicted the story in simply expressive red and blue coloured pencils, at times with precision, paying attention to urban and magic details, at times flashing vigorously across the format and rhythmically directing the attention of (future and perpetual) students throughout the tale.
Organised by Kino Šiška.