Visual Arts

24. 03. / Mon / 20:00

Komuna Hall



free entry

How can long, multi-page descriptions of horror in Pahor’s Necropolis be translated into comics without losing their expressive power? And how can something that eludes description and is beyond the limits of human comprehension be depicted in a predominantly visual medium?

Through reading and analysing comics based on literary works, we can uncover both new possibilities and the limitations inherent in the artistic expression of comics. In this process, it is often the limitations that not only allow but even compel experimentation and the search for solutions to seemingly impossible challenges.

In recent years, creative comics adaptations of literary texts have become increasingly common in our country as well, from Necropolis in graphic novel form to anthologies of comics adaptations of Slovenian short stories. The aim of this lecture is to present the unique relationship these comics have with their literary sources and their role in the modern world.

The lecture on stories from literature to comics will be given by literary and comics critic Matevž Rems.

Cover illustration: Jurij Devetak, Necropolis (excerpt from the graphic novel)
Organization: Kino Šiška.

Free admission.

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