We’re spicing up the festive period with a comics quiz, suitable for both total amateurs who’ll learn something new and proper experts who’ll shine in it. The quiz will revolve around French comic books — from Asterix and Lucky Luke to Persepolis, Dungeon and much more! You can apply on the spot, either individually or in a group. The comics challenge will be hosted by Pia Nikolič.
Kviz bo potekal na temo francoskega stripa – od Asterixa in Srečnega Luke do Perzepolisa, Graščine in še marsičesa drugega! Prijave bomo sprejemali na licu mesta, sodelujete lahko posamezno ali v skupini. Skozi stripovske izzive nas bo vodila Pia Nikolič.
Free admission.
Organisation: Kino Šiška.