12. 09. 2024 - 13. 09. 2024

Komuna Hall

War and Theater – A Backward Glance

international conference

The two-day international conference War and Theater – A Backward Glance explores war, exile and trauma, focusing on artistic, especially theatrical, responses to them.

In these difficult times, we will try to interrogate how art and theatre contribute to the acute processing as well as the long-term formation of political and personal memory of the traumatic experiences of war and exile. Art is a political tool, it is a means of alleviating pain, it is a vehicle of pure aesthetic pleasure – it is a complex interplay of all of the above. So how to think theatre in times of war?

Speakers: Damir Arsenijević, Zala Dobovšek, Blaž Kavšek, Katja Kobolt, Gregor Moder, Djordje Popović, Oksana Timofeeva, Lana Zdravković


Thursday, September 12

11 am Zala Dobovšek The Exiled Body in the Theater

12 pm Lana Zdravković Performing the Lived Experience of Postwar Othering

2 pm Blaž Kavšek Bosnian War, Genocide, and the »Holocaust script«: The Tangles of Mystification

3 pm Katja Kobolt The Little Prince Defies Silence. Literary Agency After Migration: Ismet Bekrić, Šimo Ešić, Valerija Skrinjar-Tvrz 


Friday, September 13

11 am Gregor Moder War and Representation: On The Balkan Trilogy by Dušan Jovanović

12 pm Oksana Timofeeva The Theater of War

2 pm Damir Arsenijević From Victim to Survivor: The Realization Value of Survival in Artistic Practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina

3 pm Djordje Popovic Post-Yugoslav Author in the House of Being

Produciton: Maska Ljubljana
With the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Municipality of Ljubljana and European project MOJ DOM  funded by the EU Programme CERV (European Remembrance).

Free admission.

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