
13. 11. 2013

What on earth is God doing?

From the philanthropic and reasonably righteous Abbā – Daddy, as he was proclaimed by Jesus (and which is the only kind of God we could yearn for), we have managed to create a disfigured image of the Father – Old Man who is unrelenting in his demand for amends, which is why we are, quite

From the philanthropic and reasonably righteous Abbā – Daddy, as he was proclaimed by Jesus (and which is the only kind of God we could yearn for), we have managed to create a disfigured image of the Father – Old Man who is unrelenting in his demand for amends, which is why we are, quite understandably, afraid of him. Rather than the New Testament, we have turned to the Old one, event to the pre-Abraham period. God declines Abraham’s sacrifice of his son Isaac, whereas the God from Gospel is supposed to get his hands dirty with the blood of his Son and his helpless children? An incomprehensible paradox!(Karel Gržan)

The latest work of the insightful writer is an attempt at rehabilitating the image of God that was disfigured a millennium ago to help defend the Church’s secular interests. Has he finally succeeded in redeeming God’s reputation? Will he be set free of the horrendous mask of a Wrathful God, which he was granted for purposes of intimidation and control?

Karel Gržan, a priest, theologian, doctor of literature, has been innovative and provocative in answering the question What is God doing in heaven when there is so much suffering on earth

(Sanje publishing, 2013), at the same time opening up a series of meaningful considerations to do with life.

In his questionings of dogma, in his merciless search of theological, philosophical and literary cognition, and in his exploration of anxious uncertainty, he will be accompanied by writer, columnist and theater author Desa Muck.

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