Open call for the commercial exhibition Fresh Fish
11. 02. 2025
We are pleased to announce that we are again launching an open call for participation in the group commercial exhibition Fresh Fish at the DobraVaga Gallery.
We invite all interested artists to send their contributions by 2 March 2025. The exhibition will debut on 8 April 2025. You are kindly invited to participate.
About the group commercial exhibition Fresh Fish
In addition to being an exhibition and project space, DobraVaga is also a commercial gallery. Three times a year, the DobraVaga collective selects works by Slovenian artists and displays it as part of the exhibition series Fresh Fish. These curated commercial exhibitions mainly provide a glimpse of the “novelties” in graphic arts, drawing, illustration, and even painting, ensuring additional financial support for young artists by being part of the gallery’s commercial programme. This time the exhibition will focus on a selection of new productions, in the aim of refreshing the gallery space and website with new works and establishing cooperation with new artists.
Works of all techniques and themes are welcome, and the call is open to young visual artists up to the age of 40 from the Slovenian creative space.
Deadline: 2 March 2025 by midnight.
The application should include:
* 2 to 5 photographs of the finished works that would be displayed at Fresh Fish in April
- they can be a series or individual works
- the works should be from 2023 or 2024
- there are no restrictions regarding technique, apart from video, animation, and other media that require an electronic carrier
- the works should not be bigger than 50×70 cm
- submit them together, in one .pdf file titled name_surname_works
* a short CV
- it should include your full name and contact (email and phone number)
- education, a list of exhibitions and other projects you have participated in
- a link to a website or social networks, if these express the author’s artistic work
- submit it in a .pdf file titled name_surname_CV
*Both attachments must not exceed 25MB in total. Applications containing Google Drive/WeTransfer/Dropbox or other links will be rejected, as we will not be able to freely access them.
Send your applications and any questions regarding the open call to or
Applicants will be notified of the results of the open call by email by mid-March 2025.
Organisation: DobraVaga/Kino Šiška